Watch this video. An old trick I also liked to use like many others.
You look down, hit the body a few times then kick up.
Or another classic I show first to explain the concept of neurological anchors in combat that I'm sure many of my friends here use. You look at your opponent's face, then look down and hit mawashi gedan (low kick, kick/shin in the thigh). You do this 4-5 times. Then you look down and throw a Mawashi geri jodan (circular kick to the face).
Try this in sparring, you will often succeed in placing this tactic if you have the flexibility and speed. And a good body-mind-relational field connection (the three minds).
Introduction to neurological-anchoring technology
An anchor is a neurological process that helps us to mentally link an action, thought, emotion or physical sensation to a specific memory, thought or action; about ourselves or others.
Once anchored, every time we feel that particular emotion or sensation, see a movement or hear sounds, the associated memory pops into our head.
There are two types of anchors, those that we consciously or unconsciously do to ourselves (internal anchors) and those that we consciously or unconsciously do to other people (external anchors). An anchor creates a neurological connection between the behaviour (or movement) and the state we are focused on.
For example, when you sit in such a way and press both palms together, you enter a deep state of meditation." This is an internal anchor.
A fight coach might say to his class who are sitting in a meditative position, "Every time I clap my hands three times, you enter a deep state of meditation. This is an external anchor.
On us, a neurological anchor can be used to access feelings of well-being, power, confidence and more. I show my fighters how to get into an optimal fighting state of mind with the internal anchoring techniques before they step onto the fighting mat.
Why use this anchoring technology, some may ask?
Anchors can be useful in combat because they allow us to quickly access memorized movements that can then guide our behavior. For example, if an anchor has been set for an intense feeling of zanshin, mushin, relaxation, aggression or confusion, recalling this anchor can trigger thoughts and behaviours of zanshin, mushin, relaxation, aggression or confusion.
When performed correctly, this anchor can be incredibly effective in helping fighters stay focused in chaotic or dangerous situations.
On an opponent, it can be used to create a specific behaviour or response when you activate the anchor on them. Such as fear, confusion, inner awareness, uncertainty, certain movements, reflexes, etc.
For example, in the first video. You hit your opponent several times with your left hand on the right side of his body. This will anchor, momentarily, his bodily attention on this part of the body. You continue to focus your gaze on that same area of the body and boom, you quickly strike with your right leg on the upper left side of his body with a circular kick.
Here is a KVA anchor. (Kinesthetic-Visual-Auditive) anchor. If you hurt him, nod your head and add a specific sound at the same time, like "gotcha" or "hate!" or a whistling exhale. Then, on several of your good shots that you place on him you make that nod and sound.
Even though he's giving you so many hits, his brain will register your anchors instead. This will create confusion in him. He will think that you are superior or that you are winning the fight, which may or may not affect his own strategy. Don't take my word for it, try it in the dojo. Knowing this you may make new discoveries.
When I went to Japan in 1979 to represent Canada at the 2nd World Kyokushin Karate Championships, I was amazed to see the Japanese apply the strategy of the VA neurological anchors category.
A team of Japanese team supporters would sit near the fighting platform when a Japanese fighter was fighting.
Every time he landed a blow on a foreigner, the supporters would shout "Hey! What was the purpose of doing this?
1. To encourage the Japanese
2. To influence the judges to subconsciously think that the Japanese was hitting better.
3. To make the opponent think that the other is better at hitting than he is.
4. Influencing the crowd to cheer the Japanese.
What is a neuro-anchor?
There are many different types of neurological anchors.
A classic example is the "Pavlovian response". Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who discovered the phenomenon of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a type of learning that occurs when a stimulus is repeatedly associated with a particular response.
As a result, the stimulus comes to elicit the response by itself.
Like feed the dogs, ring the bell. Feed the dogs, ring the bell. Then rings the bell and the dog salivates and expects to eat.
Then ring the bell. Don't feed the dogs. Ring the bell, don't feed the dog... and the dog will bite your backside because you forgot your share of your conditioning. Lol...
Pavlov's most famous experiment was to ring a bell every time he fed his dogs. Eventually, just the sound of the bell started to make the dogs salivate. This is an example of neurological anchoring.
Here is another more creative way that some dogs have discovered
One day a dog read this discovery of Pavlov. He said to himself: "If I can ring a bell, I can condition this idiot to feed me. I ring the bell and he feeds me. I ring the bell and he gives me food." You can see that this little dog has really managed to anchor his human. Since then, every time he wants candy, he rings the bell and his human automatically gives him his candy. You can see how easy it is to tame a human with neuro-anchoring technology.

Soon, in the second part of this article on neuro-anchoring technology, I will discuss the benefits and how to use neuro-anchoring technology.
Gaëtan Sauvé